前端軟件工程師 [Taiwan]




  • 在我們的工程團隊中倡導最佳實踐
  • 設計可擴展、高可用的應用程序
  • $ads={1}

  • 與其他工程團隊成員合作改進我們的應用程序
  • 在跨功能團隊中工作,交付產品功能
  • 與產品管理團隊緊密合作,定義需求
  • 部署和調試跨平台應用程序


  • 您為自己和團隊的工程技能設定了高標準
  • 您具備出色的人際關係和溝通能力(口頭和書面)
  • 您提供技術領導力,指導初級工程師
  • 您開發高質量可維護代碼以滿足複雜變化的環境
  • 您喜歡解決和改進遺留代碼庫中的技術債務
  • 您在提交主分支之前嚴格測試您的更改
  • 您在生產環境中支援您的代碼
  • 您不斷提供改進代碼庫的改進
  • 您具有穩固的分析和解決問題的能力,以及強烈的注意細節能力
  • 您學習能力強,喜歡跟上新技術的發展


  • React Native
  • ReactJS、
  • NodeJS、
  • TypeScript、
  • Python、
  • Postgres、
  • 微服務、
  • K8s、
  • AWS、
  • Ansible、
  • Terraform


  • 工程或計算機科學學位或相等學歷
  • 2年以上的工程經驗
  • 有建立和經營面向消費者的Web應用程序的經驗
  • 高度熟練掌握HTML、CSS、JavaScript
  • 有使用ReactJS和TypeScript進行Web開發的經驗但不是必需的
  • 具有BDD/TDD的經驗或理解
  • 具有CI/CD的經驗或理解
  • 具有敏捷方法論的經驗或理解
  • 精通計算機科學基本原理,如數據結構、算法、OOP、FP等。


  • Work and learn from a vibrant international team with diverse backgrounds
  • Dynamic, fast-paced environment in a non-hierarchical culture

Get to know us; Get to know our DNA!

As a genetics testing company, we are proud to share what makes us Prenetics. Simply put, our DNA is P-R-E-N-E-T-I-C-S! See what each word of our company name means:


  • You love what you do and accomplish amazing result
  • You spread positivity, bring enthusiasm to work and inspire team members
  • You drive team toward specific goals, even when they seem unlikely or difficult


  • You embrace changes and be able to drive through uncertainty, ambiguity and uncomfortable situations
  • You bounce back quickly from setbacks and challenges
  • You are persistent and determined to achieve the desired outcome


  • You trust others to play their positions well like an elite sports team
  • You foster a strong team spirit while encouraging others to take initiatives and risks
  • You create a space to allow team to grow and hold each other accountable


  • You are trustworthy and lead by example
  • You are consistent in your message and action all the times
  • You deliver what you have promised


  • You challenge your own comfort zone and always outperform yourself
  • You make meaningful and amazing impact to the world
  • You dare to take risks


  • You are completely honest and committed to giving candid feedbacks, no matter how challenging it might be
  • You share ideas, knowledge and skills that empower others and create access to information with the wider team
  • You share wins and failures openly


  • You make sound judgement and come up with solutions that are creative and smart. Copy when feasible
  • You challenge the status quo and question things that could be done differently for better. Modify the wheel if you can’t change it
  • You think outside of the box and make value-based innovation


  • You articulate your thoughts and ideas effectively and respectfully
  • You know your audience and talk in a way they want to be told
  • You make sure communications happens, no matter where you are


  • You put the needs of others before one's own and find ways in helping other to succeed
  • You focus on team wins than personal wins and share credits
  • You act in the company's best interest

We are Prenetics, our people make us who we are.




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