- 公司基本資料:
- 統一編號:22099131
- 公司名稱:台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積電 tsmc)
- 經濟部商業司公司登記資料查詢
- 查詢有無違反勞動法令紀錄 *本項資訊以公司(事業單位)名稱查詢比對,因偶有公司名稱雷同之情形,對於違法紀錄查詢結果,建議進一步依負責人姓名判別是否屬本職缺公司違法紀錄。
- 負責人:Liu Te-Yin Mark(劉德音)
- 公司地址: 新竹市新竹市新竹科學園區力行六路8號 公司地址地圖『另開新視窗』
- 勞保:有
- 就保:有
- 健保:有
- 職保:有
- 職務說明:
- TSMC為維護身心障礙者就業權益及善盡社會責任,特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊者加入TSMC的大家庭!
Fab Construction and Facility Procurement
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world's biggest contract chipmaker. Join TSMC Fab Construc-tion and Facility Procurement who builds the world's leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing factories. The scope of our work includes but is not limited to the supply chain management of new Fab build, new fac-tories, equipment tool install and site infrastructure.
We are looking for world class diverse talent to join our team. If you enjoy working with the latest technology, fast-paced environment, this is the right place for you. You'll find opportunities to make differences!
Job Responsibility
1. Develop and manage world class supplier partnerships with leading sourcing, procurement, supply chain management solutions and deliver continuous improvements in business results, quality, cost, delivery, ser-vice and sustainability toward reliable and cost effective supply chain.
2. Develop procurement strategies and enhance/execute collaborations across diverse suppliers, groups and stakeholders while optimizing the solution for TSMC.
3. Lead projects related to TSMC’s supply chain excellence.
1. Master degree major in Engineering, Construction Management, Business or related fields.
2. Knowledge and expertise in Construction, Facilities and Fab Technology.
3. Excellent analytical skills - the ability to identify trends, patterns and insights from data.
4. Good business sense, logical thinking and strong attention to detail.
5. Experience working in a fast paced environment.
6. Proven written/ verbal communication, team work, negotiation, problem solving and project coordination skills.
7. Senior level strategy, decision making and influencing skills.
8. Fluent in English, with experience in related field.
- 工作機會代碼: 11894713
- 職務類別:
- 工作待遇: 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常性薪資達4萬元以上)
- 工作性質: 全職 日班:自08時30分至17時30分
- 工作地專區別: 新竹科學園區
- 上班地點: 新竹市新竹科學園區力行六路8號
- 廠別/機構分院:
- 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用)
- 休假制度: 週休二日
- 1.本職缺符合勞動基準法工時及休假等相關規定,且於延長工時情況下,將依規定給付加班費或補休。
- 需求人數: 2
- 供膳: 提供1餐,每餐扣款金額公司每餐補助25元,依據實際班別而定
- 供宿: 不提供住宿
- 加班: 依工作需要
- 福利:
- 育兒設(措)施:哺(集)乳室
- 需求條件:
- 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。
- 工作經歷: 不拘
- 學校要求: 無
- 學歷要求: 碩士 以上程度
- 科系所: 不拘
- 其他條件:
- 語文條件: 國語:精通;英語:精通
- 駕照: 不拘
- 技能證照: 無
- 電腦能力: 文書處理、網際網路、電腦基本操作
- 應用工具:
- 其他應用工具:
- 專長:
- 聯絡方式:
- 應徵方式: 接受就業通網站線上應徵、有意願者請投遞履歷和自傳到TSMC官網或台灣就業通
- 徵選方式: 筆試、面試
- 攜帶文件: 履歷、自傳
- 應徵地址: 新竹市科學園區研新二路6號 地圖『另開新視窗』
- 應徵截止日期: 2023/06/30
- 聯絡人: 張小姐
- 電話:
- 電話2:
- 行動電話:
- 傳真:
- 聯絡的就業服務單位:新竹就業中心